Coolamon Cabin
At Plus Studio we based our work in the premise that with thoughtful design, smaller, well-crafted homes would create a harmony and functionality that far surpass the bulk and lack of consideration found in their larger neighbours.
Situated in the scenic Byron Bay Shire, this exceptional secondary dwelling nestled in the hinterland offers panoramic views from the ridge to the ocean. Designed with sustainability in mind, this house harmonises effortlessly with the unique climate of the Northern Rivers region.
The architectural concept embraces a minimalist and unpretentious geometry reminiscent of traditional barn structures, but lightly touching the ground. By doing so, this volume complements and enhances the natural environment.
Sustainability takes centre stage in this design, with principles that promote eco-friendly living. Aged timber is thoughtfully incorporated to provide shade, ensuring a cool interior through cross-ventilation during the summer months. Moreover, the roof design allows for uneven yet captivating natural light to illuminate the cooking area.
Eliminating unnecessary ornamentation or 'trendy' decorative elements, this small building creates a timeless living space sought by the client who wanted us to exhibit the precision of simplicity and functionality with a modest bugdet.
We are waiting to commence construction in 2024